Fun Ways to use Roselle + Ginger

Our favorite way to drink Roselle is right out of the bottle, over ice, but there are so many other ways to enjoy it.

Add Seltzer for a fun fizz

Popsicles - Add your favorite juice, yogurt and fruit makes awesome treats for the kids

Tea - Add to your favorite tea warm up for a spicy treat

Smoothies - Mix with fruit and veggies for a delicious smoothies #becreative

Mocktails - Be creative you can make loads of virgin mocktails! Our Roselle + Ginger will delight and enhance your creations

Booze it up!


Rum (light or dark)



Names of our drink recipes are inspired by Jamaican dance moves

Tek Wey Yuself! 🇯🇲

Roselle + Ginger Appleton Rum Smoky Cocktail
🌺 Roselle + Ginger Appleton Estate Rum#appletonrum#appletonestate
🇯🇲 Lemon 🍋 juice & zest
Seltzer Simple syrup optional if you like a sweeter cocktail. Stir!
Pour over crushed ice! Garnish with mint & cinnamon
🌺 This cocktail is beyond refreshing and yummy 😋 so simple to make! 🌺

Rosellini Cocktail - Water Pompei

Add 1 or 2 oz of our Roselle + Ginger to your favorite Prosecco or Champagne

Pon Dey River

Orange Juice
Roselle + Ginger (sweetened or unsweetened)
2 oz vodka
1 to 1 ratio or if you are so skilled, pour orange juice & roselle in together
Give it a stir
Served over ice

Cool & Deadly Whine

Fresh grapefruit juice


Splash of Seltzer

Unsweetened roselle

Garnish with rosemary

Served over ice!

Rocksteady Supreme

Muddled mint


Our original Roselle + Ginger 

Splash of seltzer 

Served over crushed ice